
तेरे लिए

धारावाहिक "तेरे लिए" का यह गाना - अनुराग और तानी के सच्चे प्यार को दर्शाते हुए: तेरे बिन यूँ रही ज़िन्दगी, जैसे ठहरी हुई एक नदी, यूँ कटा एक पल, जैसे काटी हो मैंने सदी, कबसे खड़ी तेरे लिए, तेरे लिए तेरे लिए जिस्म पाक आँखों में भर लूं, सास सास में शामिल कर लूं  इस दुनिया में जान गवा तुझे उस दुनिया में हासिल कर लूं ज़िन्दगी गवा कर भी जो ज़िन्दगी मिले, हर ख़ुशी गवा कर भी जो एक ख़ुशी मिले, तो मांग लूं तेरे लिए.. तेरे लिए.. तेरे लिए.. रूह से रूह के दरमियाँ, इश्क के है हजारों जहाँ, या खुदा..या खुदा..मुझको दे दे अगर एक जहाँ, तो मांग लूं तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए.. सौ सितम उठा कर भी जो एक ख़ुशी मिले, सौ जन्नतें गवा कर भी जो एक ज़मी मिले.. तेरे सजदे में सर है झुका, तू इबादत है तू ही दुआ, मौत के बाद भी, जो मिले बंदगी का सिला, तो मांग लूं तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए.. जिस्म-ओ-जान लुटा कर भी जो एक हसी मिले, दिल अगर जला कर भी जो रौशनी मिले, तो मांग लूं तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए..तेरे लिए.. जन्मों का प्यार तेरे लिए, खुशियाँ हज़ार तेरे लिए.. जन्नत दुआ तेरे लिए, ये जाँ निसार तेरे लिए.. तेरे लिए


What is fun? It means different things for different people. The common perception is that usually hanging out with a big bunch of friends is the best thing! But what if you don't enjoy that? Is there something wrong with you? I think not. Maybe there is something missing in that outing which makes you feel that you are not enjoying. You might have been better off reading that book of yours you've been wanting to read forever. I have realized that it is good to try all those highly recommended/suggested ideas of having fun, but then stick to what suits you best. Also, a pointer for self - if you are not enjoying with that big bunch of friends - maybe it is time to find people you would actually enjoy with!

Travelling :)

Not so long a while ago, I was not very excited at the thought of travelling usually. It was a hectic thing. But 2010 - 2011 happened to be that year when I ended up travelling a lot! (it was a lot at least by my past standards :D) And as it happens, I realized that I am actually enjoying it and looking forward to more of it!! It for-sure-as-hell is the REAL learning experience in its truest sense!! This is my next resolution - to ensure as many travel breaks for myself as I can amidst being a soon-to-be-working-girl!!


There was a time when I did not have an answer to - "Which is the season you love the most?" Today, I do. For me, winter it is!! And surprisingly, I love it for all the things which most people dread about the season! My fingers turning cold Making things difficult to hold My cold cheeks and the red nose And my icy toes The cold wind blowing through my hair Wishing that I had worn another layer! The foggy mornings and the white trees The shivers and the overall freeze! I love it too for the cleanliness And the dust-, dry leaves-, puddle- free-ness :D Not to forget the winter clothes The caps, the colourful mufflers and the long coats!

Theory of Whole!

Disclaimer : This work is an original composition (not that the other posts weren't, but this is a whole friggin theory!!). Any blog reader who wishes to use this theory (apart from using it in their own lives, practically!) may seek the required permission from the author :D This theory has been christened as the "Theory of Whole" (TOW for short - it will come in handy when you need to TOW your life :D). It is a mathematics based theory. Its equation is +1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1 ... (infinity) = 0. The '0' here is not zero the zilch but it is zero the whole number. [I understood the value of the distinction between the set of whole numbers and natural numbers which differ only by the presence and absence of '0' respectively while coming up with this theory. Earlier, I would wonder as to why couldn't the mathematicians have just one set of numbers, which comprise of all the digits! But a whole number (0) was called a whole number for a reason. And the r

A Bunch of Best Friends

I dedicate the idea of this post to a certain Miss I.B. who ingrained the basic idea in me long back in my middle school days at SPV.  At that time my mind wasn't profound enough for this concept. I could never comprehend it yet it remained in my subconscious only to emerge at a stage of life when I could actually appreciate it and relate to it. Usually everybody has this one best friend (guy or girl) that they simply cannot do without. Miss I.B. had 5 best friends!! I would innocently ask, "How can you have 5 best friends? Best friends can only be 1, the rest 4 maybe good friends or even very good friends. Isn't it?" But she would patiently explain - "All my best friends are for different moods, times and needs. One loves to shop and would come with me for shopping when I want to go. The other loves movies and would watch movies with me. The third loves partying and would dance with me and so on and so forth. Yet they are ALL my best friends. None is lesser tha

It's all about loving your parents..

Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham was all about loving your parents, or so Karan Johar wanted us to believe. Though that is a moot point, I am not concerned with it. Irrespective of what it was, K3G is and will remain (I hope for sometime more!) one of my favourite movie. Even though the storyline did not exactly justify the tagline (as per all the people who exert influence on my thought process :D), yet, the tagline did and always does make me think. So does the dialogue by SRK to kid brother Hrithik - "ज़िन्दगी में कुछ बनना हो, कुछ हासिल करना हो, कुछ जीतना हो, तो हमेशा अपने दिल की सुनो, और अगर दिल से भी कोई जवाब ना आये तो अपनी आँखें बंद करके अपने माँ और बाबा का नाम लो, फिर देखना तुम हर मंजिल पा सकोगे, हर मुश्किल आसान हो जाएगी, जीत तुम्हारी होगी, सिर्फ तुम्हारी." Filmy as it is, the strength of it can be tested in real life. It works :) I remember my mom telling me something similar (when I was fretting for an impending exam!) much before it became popular by K3G, though ofcourse no