
Showing posts from May, 2010

God wants you to know...

One of my favourite applications on the social networking site 'Facebook' is the one which goes by the name - "God wants you to know". I check God's message to me everyday. I am fully aware that such applications randomly generate messages for each user. They are not emotion sensitive and are not aware of what is happening in their user's lives. They do not and cannot generate custom-made messages. Yet, despite knowing all this, I am a devout follower of this God on facebook :-) Invariably, they generate messages which are at most times thought provoking. They also, at other times, provide the perfect solutions to life's problems which the user is going through at that very time. They provide answers to so many questions that our life poses at us. One such God's message, which happens to be one of my favourites and also one I firmly believe in, is produced hereunder: "On this day, God wants you to know that all is well. All is going according to

Conversation between a lawyer and an architect!

During the course of a usual conversation between me (a lawyer-to-be) and my sister (an architect), we happened to discuss the need for basic architectural knowledge for an interior designer. While trying to explain the same, she told me that even an interior designer needs to have a fair idea about the dimensions, areas etc etc of the space they are designing. To this I responded, "But they just tell what is to be kept where, what kind of lighting, furniture, curtains should be used in co-ordination with the wall colours and other similar things." "Well", she said, "they also look into the flooring, which requires a knowledge about areas, scaling, drafting the designs etc." She added, "As a matter of fact, interior designers charge in terms of per square meter too, just as an architect charges per square meter for the design/lay-out." I still had my doubts. Probing further, I said, "It makes sense for an architect to charge per square meter