Theory of Whole!

Disclaimer : This work is an original composition (not that the other posts weren't, but this is a whole friggin theory!!). Any blog reader who wishes to use this theory (apart from using it in their own lives, practically!) may seek the required permission from the author :D
This theory has been christened as the "Theory of Whole" (TOW for short - it will come in handy when you need to TOW your life :D).
It is a mathematics based theory.
Its equation is +1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1+1-1 ... (infinity) = 0.
The '0' here is not zero the zilch but it is zero the whole number. [I understood the value of the distinction between the set of whole numbers and natural numbers which differ only by the presence and absence of '0' respectively while coming up with this theory. Earlier, I would wonder as to why couldn't the mathematicians have just one set of numbers, which comprise of all the digits! But a whole number (0) was called a whole number for a reason. And the reason is that I was destined to come up with this theory. :P So the reason is not U but ME!]
Coming back to TOW, in precise terms it states - "Every subtraction has an equal addition and at the end, the sum remains the same, which is a whole."
Elucidating TOW, in life there is a whole for everyone. Every loss/unhappiness/pain in life is to be taken as a '-1' while every form of gain/pleasure/happiness is to be taken as a '+1'. The time span over which the '-' and the '+' of life have to be summed up is your entire life span. As per TOW, the sum will always remain 'whole' - '0', that is, every one has a 'whole'some life.
It might become clearer with an example - You are friends with 2 people. After a while, for whatever reasons (whether a fight, whether change of cities or whether without any reason you lose touch), you lose those 2 friends. In some time (which won't be more than the time you need to cope with things), you will befriend 2 new people or maybe 2 people from the past who had been out of touch all this while will suddenly re-enter your life!!
Thus, the life will always remain WHOLE! There will not be a void, ever. As soon as someone leaves/ one consuming task finishes, someone else will enter/ a new task will begin.


Unknown said…
well said girl...the theory of whole is truly a practical one if one believes in the sayin that whatever happens, is for the good..:-)
Keep up the good work!!
Nimisha said…
I call it the balancing act. :) but, yea, superbly put.

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