A member of the Ass family - which comprises of Dumb Ass,Wise Ass,Smart Ass, Lazy Ass - is the Smart Ass. I, for one, do notice the usage of Smart Ass language on these social networking sites, for instance - Facebook.
Anyone can recognize this member of the Ass family. All it requires is some pointers.
All those who comment on EACH and EVERY photo of someone in their friends' network, just to show to the world that, "OMG,WE are such great friends!", irrespective of the fact that the person whose photos are commented upon, NEVER EVER bothers to reply to those comments.SO MUCH SO for their friendship! THESE people are permanent members of the SMART ASS CLUB.Welcome.
Next category is of those who may be termed as temporary members. THEY generally use their PATENTED club language religiously, though somewhat sparingly. In course of their usual parlance, they use the following forms of the English Language : "I Like" - Common comment on some photo appreciated by such member, used generally in place of "nice photo,looking cute" etc etc. But seriously, does anyone care if YOU LIKE or not, because if anyone did infact care, they would atleast bother to respond to your open admission of such liking!
Another common terminology of such people is "amaaaazinggg pic...luuuuuuuuuv" used to depict how much love they have for each other. A similar phrase is "muuaaahhh", giving a virtual kiss for putting up the photo!
These are just a few of the common terminologies.
AND, if the above two categories are combined, then you get what can be termed as a LIFETIME MEMBER of the club.CONGRATULATIONS.


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