The Turning Point
What is the turning point of one's profession? When we start loving it, knowingly or when it starts to creep into the everyday life, the routine, unknowingly?! The knowledge is still elusive. Until then, the former cannot be affirmatively admitted. But the unknown has always been intriguing! The inadvertent, unknown latter definitely means something! I wonder whether the traits of quick disposal and early consumption have got anything to do with being a lawyer [a Corporate lawyer not the litigating one ;)] or is it just a co-incidence?! While the lawyer in me (I'd rather attribute it to that than to any other compulsiveness!) would rather treat the household grocery stocks like Company cases, to be disposed off quickly and to not be bought in bulk, I see a clear contrast in an engineer friend working in the Commercial (Purchase / Contracts) Department, who believes in building inventory!! While the lawyer flinches at new cases being filed (either by / against the Comp